Tag Archives: tower of london

Tower Poppies

Back in October, we went to the Tower of London to see the poppies:

Tower of London Poppies October 2014Shard, sunset and Tower of London Poppies October 2014We thought we’d buy one but were gutted to discover that all 888,000-odd of them had already sold.

Luckily, my son Chris was a bit more proactive and had already ordered one (he didn’t tell us) and presented it to us on Christmas Day…

My Tower of London Poppy

I understand that they’re not frost-proof so it currently lives in an orchid pot in the kitchen – looking for a more permanent solution 🙂

More Permanent Solution (?)

Here’s a poppy stand that I bought on eBay:

Poppy Stand

Shown on the kitchen floor at the moment so needs a little more “architectural” work.

More soon…