Have you tried to buy a Honda T-Shirt recently? It’s OK if all you want is a CBRVFRCBF modern thingy.
I have a CB500/4 that is 38 years old (1972):

I have been feeling a bit creative recently so spent an enormous amount of time working on a photo of the 500/4 logo from my bike.

I made it into a t-shirt but it only lasted about 24 hours before I received the following email:
Dear SteveD_CB500F,
Thank you for your interest in Z*****.com, and thank you for publishing products on Z*****.
Unfortunately, it appears that your product, 500Four Logo White, contains content that is not suitable for printing at Z*****.com.
We will be removing this product from the Z***** Marketplace shortly.
Please help us make our content approval process better by taking this short survey.
The details of the product being removed are listed below:
• Product Title: 500Four Logo White
• Product Type: Shirt
• Product ID: 235211837347936929
• Result: Not Approved
• Policy Violations:
o Design contains a trademarked image or text. If you are interested in purchasing Official Licensed Merchandise from Z***** please visit: www.z*****.com/brands
We apologize for the inconvenience, a detailed description of the policies are located here.
If you have any questions or concerns about the review of your product, please email content_review@z*****.com
Best Regards,
Content Review Team
Z***** Inc.
I can’t imagine how the corporate machine at Honda would bother too much about a logo that appeared for a scant 2 years, 38 years ago!
So. I’ve quit Z*****.
Does anyone:
a) have any idea on the length of copyright on stuff like this?
b) know where I can buy a kosher 500/4 t-shirt?
c) make this stuff and want to “help”?